Sunday, January 13, 2013

Reenactment of a Mass

This is a music video editing of clips I have recorded in dwarf fortress 0.34.11
(DF, a freeware available on Bay12games.)

The MOMA bought several games in December 2012, including DF. Games are now officially a legitimate artistic medium.
I see this video as an exercise to understand the medium and a way to express my interrogations (as Yoko Ono's Play It By Trust, or Giacometti's On Ne Joue Plus) about a medium which shapes numerous of social concepts like winning/loosing, goals and objectives, entertainment and fun, spatial and social construction.

So i designed a basilica inspired by the basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (I discovered while i was recording the video that Simone Brunozzi did it in SecondLife), where Cimabue and Giotto realised the renowned fresco of The legend of San Francesco.
This fresco, realised by Giotto and Cimabue, emphasise an architectural décor in trompe-l'œil style. In the world of Ottembërûl, Giotto and Cimabue engraved on the wall of the "basilica"  legendary images of Jacques Warmonger in a foetal position, a former adventurer of mine who died of starvation near this fortress.

These fresco realised in the 13th century, showed a modern way of conceptualizing a solid object

Today, we have DF. As there is no third dimension (height) within an image on a flat screen, DF is not lying to us when it depicts a spatial object. It is shown as someone who would live a two dimensional world (within the image on the screen), would see it, only one two dimensional layer at a given time. And the third dimension is just an abstraction from our own third dimensional perspective.

Music is a remix of the Postludium - Glagolitic Mass by Leoš Janáček

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